

从亮蓝色到宝红色, 色彩鲜艳的衣服可以很好地展示你的个性, 无论你是去上班还是去城里过夜. 当然, 所有的磨损都伴随着洗涤, 知道怎么洗有颜色的衣服和知道怎么洗一样重要 洗白衣服.


但是什么是洗彩色衣服的正确方法呢? 首先,你肯定会想要使用an 可持续洗衣液 像我们的 ECOS无塑料洗衣单 帮助减少塑料. But if you want to keep your 偏暗 dark and your brights bright, you also have to learn 如何分类洗好的衣服.


让我们来了解一下洗衣的基本知识,比如分类, 洗, 晾晒——这样下次你的篮子就满了, 你不会担心的. 



喂,我是洗衣店. Okay, not really—but if your laundry could talk, it’d probably tell you to read the tag. That tiny square tickling the back of your neck is the ultimate built-in user guide to clothing care.


Yep—those little printed tags can give you intel on everything from water temps to spin cycles and even tell you how to wash colored clothes. 不过,它们可能需要一些翻译. 常见的洗衣标签包括:


  • 只洗手 – The agitation that a typical 洗 machine uses to 清洁 your laundry can lead to fraying and tearing of clothing labeled “hand wash only,“比如你的衣服. 在这个标签的情况下, 我们建议装满一盆水, 涂一点清洁剂, 轻轻地擦洗,直到一切都感觉干净.
  • 只能干洗 -对于某些织物,任何数量的水都太多了. Enter dry 清洁ing – a chemical process that uses solvents instead of water to 清洁 clothing. 我们建议将贴有此标签的衣物放在远离常规衣物的地方. Find a local dry 清洁ing service (bonus points if it’s environmentally friendly) with great reviews and leave this type of 洗 to the professionals.
  • 机器洗 -把这个标签当作绿灯吧. Any clothes with this tag attached should do well in the washer—provided you follow the below steps.

We also like to check the tag for clues to our clothing’s materials (cotton, polyester, etc.). 它甚至可以建议衣服的最佳洗涤温度. 制造商通常最了解正确的洗涤和护理, 所以一定要先听取他们的建议. 对于大多数衣服, 冷水和一种专为在冷水中清洁而设计的洗涤剂, 像ECOS, 是你最好的选择吗?.


2 .分开 

When it comes to 洗 colored clothing, you have to pair clothes with similar color hues. 我们保证你的洗衣机不会因为你的颜色缺乏对比而批评你. In practice, this often requires you to separate your clothes into multiple piles of laundry. 这是否意味着彩虹的每一种颜色都有不同的颜色? 一点也不. 关键是要区分你的光明和黑暗.


  • 黄色
  • 被晒黑的
  • 白色的
  • 彩笔
  • 淡蓝色
  • 亮绿
  • 粉红色 


  • 黑人
  • 红色
  • 海军蓝色
  • 暗灰色
  • 布朗
  • 深色绿叶蔬菜

当然,有时候事情会变得复杂. If you find yourself holding up a multicolored striped shirt or paisley-patterned blouse and wondering if it’s light or dark, 我们的建议是仔细看看你的衣服, 决定它的原色是什么, 尽你所能匹配它.

It also won’t be the end of the world if a dark blue and a light blue are occasionally washed together, 但是随着时间的推移, 它可能会通过一个被称为“移情”的过程导致两种颜色变暗.” Transference occurs when some of the dyes from the darker clothing transfer to the lighter clothing.

Distinguishing your laundry by color isn’t the only way you’ll need to prepare for a perfect load. 你还需要把脏衣服按质地或材质分类. 这可能意味着分组项目,如:

  • 精致的衣服 – For the garments that seem strong enough to handle a wash but are still on the fragile side of fabrics, 大多数洗衣机都有精巧的循环功能. This option uses light agitation and mild temperatures to ensure these garments keep their color and shape.
  • 毛巾 ——厚, 吸收剂, 而且比一般的t恤或衬衫还要重, 彩色毛巾通常在洗衣机里有自己的特定时间. 

如果所有的分离让你有太多的衣服要洗, 只要把小一点的堆起来,直到你有足够的东西装满为止. 幸运的是,对于所有这些分离的负载,你可以使用ECOS洗衣粉. 我们把它设计成适用于光, 偏暗, 精致的衣服, 和重物,这样你就可以确保每一件衣服都得到最好的洗涤. 



你可能会把洗衣机想象成你衣服生活中的旋转茶杯, 但不像你在县集市上, there’s no seatbelt in your 洗 machine to keep your clothes from getting roughed up. 防止额外磨损的最好办法是把衣服装进袋子里. Mesh laundry bags are nothing new, but experienced launderers know how much these bags can help.

Here are some of the mesh laundry bag benefits that can keep your laundry coming out fresh, 清洁, 而且几乎和新的一样好:

  • 撕裂保护 拉链、带子和纽扣在洗衣机里互相碰撞. Any unlucky spin cycle can lead to holes and tears and the untimely retirement of some of your favorite looks. With a mesh laundry bag, you can keep clothes protected while ensuring they get a great wash.
  • 无遗失物品 -我们都有过叠衣服的经历, 结果却发现一只袜子没有火柴,或者少了一个配件. 将较小的衣物密封在网眼洗衣袋中, 你帮助消除了沿途丢失一件衣服的可能性. 这意味着不再有孤儿袜子了.

A laundry bag can be a big boost for the quality of your laundry and for the environment overall. These bags actually catch microfibers from your washer so that you can toss them in the trash once the cycle is done. +, it makes separation 简单的 and speeds up the process of folding and putting away your 清洁 clothes.



你已经到机器那里了. With your clothes examined, separated, and bagged, the next step is to finally get them 清洁.

Once you’re ready to do your first load of colored clothes, keep the following advice in mind:

  • 用最少量的水 – Most washers allow you to choose the amount of water for each load, and a little goes a long way. +, 用更少的水意味着洗涤剂的稀释程度更低, 让它更有效(你的洗涤更可持续). 事实是, 只要每样东西都有足够的水和清洁剂, 洗出来应该非常干净.
  • 保持低温 冷水是防止画面灰度化的关键. Too high a temperature will lead to more transference and cause colors to fade faster. 把衣物放在低温下,这样可以在以后的多次洗涤中保持颜色. 更不用说, cold washes are better for the environment and eliminate most of the energy used to heat the water for your wash cycle.
  • 去除污渍和特殊处理 -无论你是想弄清楚如何去除昨天的咖啡渍, 一点披萨酱, 甚至 如何去除衣服上的油渍 从你刚刚享用的美味意大利面食中, 有专门的治疗方法可以帮助你保持颜色无斑点. 考虑使用植物动力 喷上的去污剂 or 多用途去污剂 以改善变色,使一些衣服恢复原来的颜色.


一旦你的衣服洗了, 光彩夺目的, 闻起来好清新, 你还得再走一步才能叠好穿. 当然,我们指的是晒干它们. 

The drying process is essential to returning your now-beautifully washed clothes to their original crisp colors and soft fabrics. 这里有一些选择,包括:

  • 行干 在后院、地下室、卧室等任何有空间的地方系上晾衣绳. 如果天气暖和,最好到户外去, 但只要你有干的, 通风面积, 没有理由不让你的衣服在室内晾干. 这种方法可能需要不到一个小时或几个小时,具体取决于气候, 但这是最温和的干衣服的方法. 最棒的是? It uses significantly less energy, which is better for both the planet and your wallet.
  • 机干 – Most modern dryers are designed to spin, heat, and fluff your clothes to dry, crisp perfection. 而机器干燥的过程可能会有点苛刻的彩色衣物, most garments are designed for machine dryers and can hold up after dozens if not hundreds of dryer cycles. 记得用小火烘干衣服, 因为这不仅消耗更少的能源, 但也能长期保持衣服的颜色.

在把新衣服放进烘干机之前, double-check the tag to ensure the manufacturers haven’t printed any warnings about machine drying or sunlight sensitivity. 


One thing’s for sure—there are chemicals in conventional laundry detergents that can do a lot more harm than good, 对你的健康和环境产生负面影响.

你可以帮你自己,帮你的衣服,帮这个世界 避免 以下几点:

  • 光电镀 – These chemicals may claim to make your colored clothes even more radiant than before, but they actually work through the use of pollutants that coat your clothes with “fluorescence” that only sits on the surface. 这些化学物质对环境有害,甚至会刺激你的皮肤. 
  • 漂白剂 -你可能已经知道你应该保留漂白剂 away from any colored fabrics, or else risk those dreaded colorless spots and streaks. 但这种化学物质不仅会损害衣服,还会损害你的肺, 你的皮肤和眼睛, 以及我们的十大赌博官方正规网址生态系统. 选择我们更安全的漂白剂替代品, ECOS OxoBrite多用途去污剂,而不是.
  • 染料 – These colorful chemicals are added to most laundry detergents and have no benefit other than to make your detergent appear a different color. These dyes contain harmful chemicals that can be carcinogenic and have even been linked to certain mood disorders and hyperactivity. 

To ensure you’re using safer products, you can always look out for the 安全的选择 logo. ECOS有超过150种更安全的选择十大彩票网赌平台. This certification means that the products are not only better for you and the environment, 但它们的性能和其他传统清洁十大彩票网赌平台一样好.


洗衣服不一定是任何人一天中最令人兴奋的事情, 但这种日常琐事会让人感觉很熟悉, 简单的, 按照这个循序渐进的指南来做. 如果你还在寻找一个让洗衣日更美好的方法, 一定要看看我们的全系列 ECOS植物动力清洁十大彩票网赌平台