如果你有幸拥有一台洗碗机的话, you might know what a life-saver it is when it comes to getting your dishes done quickly 和 easily. Even the fastest h和 washers can’t compete with the blissful ease of sitting back 和 letting a machine do the work for you.
But if you’ve ever sat peacefully in the next room while your dishwasher chugs away in the kitchen, 你可能会觉得奇怪, 一台洗碗机每洗一次货要用多少水?
实际上,你的洗碗机用的水可能比你想象的要少. 但确切的用水量取决于几个因素.
Have you ever upgraded to a newer car 和 noticed how much its improved technology, 功能空调, 更省油也会有所不同? 你不能开洗碗机, 但就像汽车一样, 它的制造和型号也在它的用水量上起着很大的作用.
So much depends on information that’s specific to the dishwasher model you’re using, like:1
- 它制作的年份
- 无论是全尺寸还是紧凑型
- 是否有能源之星®标签
旧的洗碗机并不是效率最高的机器, but luckily dishwashing technology 和 market st和ards have improved dramatically since dishwashers were first introduced to homes.
- 老款 每个洗涤周期可以使用10到15加仑的水, 根据水研究基金会.2
- 一些较新的型号 每次使用不超过5加仑. In 2013, the industry adopted st和ards that limited the amount of water a dishwasher could use to 5 gallons per load.3
- 能源之星模型 每次只需使用3加仑.4 An 能源之星 label means the machine is certified as energy 和 water efficient by the U.S. 环境保护署(EPA).
与之前的模型相比, 现代洗碗机对地球和你的预算来说越来越好.
当涉及到理解 如何洗碗 环保方式, there are a few changes you can make that will have an impact on water consumption, 能源效率, 以及整个地球.
To underst和 our dishwasher’s overall water usage 和 efficiency, we also have to ask, how much 热 现在洗碗机用的是水?
一般来说,较新的洗碗机倾向于使用水温较高的水 到140度.5 就像总的用水量一样, 然而, 洗碗机的热水用量取决于它的使用年限, 大小, 和模型.
当然, there’s another matter that can complicate the answer to how much 热 water a dishwasher uses. 这是因为大多数现代洗碗机都不只有一两个, 但通常是三个, 四个, 或五个洗涤设置选项.
- 自动
- 正常的
- 精致的
- 表达
- 重
- 自动
最后, how much 热 water each cycle setting uses will vary depending on the dishwasher model 和 the settings you choose.
也就是说, you can generally expect express 和 rinse cycles to use slightly less 热 water than the other settings, 而重设置则可能使用得更多.7
洗碗机是厨房清洁工作的主角. 现代洗碗机改变了洗脏盘子的方式. 如果使用得当,你的洗碗机可以保护地球 和 你的健康.
- 因为它的高效用水, 一台新的洗碗机比用手洗碗可以节省75%的能源.
- 能源之星-labeled dishwashers are an even better bet for you 和 for the planet. 每一个在其使用寿命中节省大约3870加仑的水.8
- 洗碗机 do a better job of eliminating potentially harmful bacteria from plates 和 flatware than h和washing.
- 洗碗机 don’t require sponges, which can be a breeding ground for unsavory characters like 沙门氏菌 和 E. 杆菌.
洗碗机 offer incredible benefits for 你的健康 和 the wellness of the planet—和 the more efficiently you use your favorite kitchen appliance, 更好的.
不管你的洗碗机是崭新的还是, 我们说, 古董, you might not be helping it live its best water- 和 energy-efficient life if you aren’t also using it efficiently. 我们喜欢洗碗工,因为他们为我们做了大部分的工作, 那么,为什么不通过做一些事情来回报他们呢?
When it comes to boosting your dishwasher sustainability factor, here’s what to know.
1 .使用标有“能源之星”的洗碗机
当一个电器带有能源之星标签时, you know it upholds a high bar for pursuing sustainability 和 efficient energy consumption.10 After all, that’s why the EPA developed the rating system in the first place. The 能源之星 label exists so that consumers like you can make informed decisions about the machines 和 appliances you use every day.
由于某些特性, 一台获得“能源之星”认证的洗碗机每次使用可以节省数加仑的水. 这些功能包括:
- 土壤传感器
- 改进的机架设计
- 改进喷水和过滤11
既想省钱又想保护地球? 能源之星-labeled dishwashers can also be cheaper to run than other options.12
在确定a的用水量时 洗碗机和. 洗手碗,水的消耗可以很容易地控制. How many dishes you load up—or how few—plays a big role in how much water you waste when running your dishwasher. 尽管根据循环设置,用水量可能略有不同, 它们所用的水都比你洗几个盘子所需的水多.
当你打开洗碗机的时候, 确保你已经给它足够的清洁,使它值得. Keep in mind that smaller loads not only waste water but can also take a toll on your gas 和 electric bills over time.
When it comes to optimizing your dishwasher’s water usage, make sure you’re loading it properly. 这包括:
- 不要过度填充 – Your dishwasher is built to h和le a certain number of dishes at a time 和 no more. If your machine is packed too tightly, the water may not be able to circulate properly. 如果水不能到达洗涤剂分配器, 而不是闪闪发光的餐具, 你会留下脏兮兮的盘子,你只需要再洗一次.
- 正确摆放餐具 – Paying attention to the design of your dishwasher racks goes a long way to telling you how to load your specific machine. 通常, 像眼镜这样的小物件, 小碗, 小盘子应该放在最上面的架子上. 把你的大锅粘在一起, 锅, 混合碗, 大盘子朝向后面和底部架子的两侧. 这可以帮助促进适当的水循环, 这意味着你用的水都去了最需要的地方.13
Although this step won’t necessarily affect how much water your dishwasher uses, skipping the pre-rinse can drastically cut back the amount of water you use at home.
It’s tempting to give your dishes a rinse before loading them into the dishwasher. 但事实是,预先冲洗是完全没有必要的步骤. 水槽水龙头的平均流速等于2.每分钟2加仑水, which means you could end up using more water on the pre-rinse than on the wash itself.14
如果你用的是合适的洗涤剂,预冲洗也是不必要的. 一种高性能的,植物驱动的洗涤剂 ECOS洗碗凝胶 can help to fight grease 和 break down food particles just as well as rinsing would.
Spa-inspired mud baths aside, you probably wouldn’t want to wash up in a dirty bathtub. Cleaning your dishes in a dirty dishwasher can be just as counterproductive. Aside from that, keeping your unit spic-和-span can help preserve your water usage. A clean dishwasher can also eliminate the need for re-washing 和 help you get the most out of the water you use.
When it comes to dishwasher hygiene, you should be cleaning your dishwasher at least once a month. 方法如下:
- 去掉大块的食物 ——还记得, 我们已经放弃了预冲洗, 这可能意味着我们将不得不处理过去用餐的幽灵. 清除这些幽灵是清洁洗碗机的第一步.
- 现场清洁 – 如果你发现有食物污渍, 污垢, 模具, 或霉, 我们建议用柔软的海绵或布和清洁剂清洁它们. An 环保洗碗皂 能帮你完成工作吗.
- 只用肥皂跑一个周期 -当你不想经常空着洗碗机的时候, 这是一种简单的方法,可以每隔一段时间好好清洁一下. 装载 环保洗碗胶 这样可以减少污垢. Without the dishes in the way, the soap will be able to clean the insides of the dishwasher instead.
Just as important as keeping your dishwasher clean is keeping it in good repair. 只要有问题出现,就及时处理,为成功做好准备. You can also take the following preliminary measures to make sure your dishwasher turns in a stellar performance every time:
- 保持过滤器的清洁和清晰
- 清洁垫圈或密封件
- 清洁喷雾臂
The amount of water we use for daily tasks might not seem like much on a personal scale. 但是,当我们把我们的努力,使我们的清洁更有效, 我们有能力做出改变. 为子孙后代保护地球而战, 我们的小积累, 个人决定会产生巨大的影响.
这也是我们ECOS的动力所在. 以可持续发展为我们的根本目标, 我们的热情驱使着我们,让家庭的可持续生活更容易. 50多年来,我们的安全 植物动力清洁十大彩票网赌平台 取得了 这成为可能.
家庭供水系统. 洗碗机. http://home-water-works.org/indoor-use/dishwasher
CNET. 洗碗机和. 洗手:什么更省水? http://www.cnet.com/home/kitchen-and-household/how-much-water-do-dishwashers-use/
国家资源保护委员会. 节约大量水的9个小技巧. http://www.十大赌博官方正规网址Resources保护委员会.org/stories/9-tricks-save-tons-water
生态储蓄. 洗碗机要用多少水? http://ecocostsavings.com/how-much-water-does-a-dishwasher-use/ #
能源之星. 历史 & 成就.
能源之星. 洗碗机. http://www.ENERGY STAR的级别.gov /Products/Dishwashers
节约用水,节约金钱. 如何在使用洗碗机时节约用水. http://www.savewatersavemoney.co.uk/water-efficiency-tips-advice/view/103/how-to-save-water-while-using-a-dishwasher.html #
好管家. 清洁洗碗机的简单步骤. http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/home/cleaning/g2877/dishwasher-tricks/
华盛顿邮报. 如何及何时清洁六大电器. http://www.The Washington Post.com/lifestyle/home/how-and-when-to-clean-5-major-appliances/2017/01/03/f16f0152-c601-11e6-bf4b-2c064d32a4bf_story.html