

It’s impossible to understate how much a deliciously warm shower can improve your day. 淋浴有助于清除一天的汗水和污垢, 舒缓疲劳的肌肉, 让我们在漫长的一天后平静下来. 

But soap scum, mold, 和 water spots can turn a serene shower into a stressful experience. 

而淋浴能让我们保持清洁, 温暖的, damp environment your shower creates can invite some not-so-clean guests. 所以,一定要把淋浴加到你的 深层清洁检查表. 如果你想用洗发水和沐浴露恢复你的太阳穴 环保的十大彩票网赌平台 和 readily biodegradable formulas, learning how to clean your shower 牢记地球从这里开始. 

1 .使用淋浴清洁喷雾

考虑到它的表面积,淋浴清洁似乎是一项艰巨的任务. 然而, 别担心——不管你的淋浴有多宽敞, the right products can help you give your shower a refresh with minimal effort.

给你的淋浴间做一次彻底的清洁, use a spray that fights soap scum 和 bacteria 没有 leaving behind harmful fumes or chemicals, 就像 ECOS浴室清洁剂.

Then, follow these steps to maximize your shower spray’s effectiveness:  

  • 日常使用 -洗完澡之后, 虽然浴室还是很舒服,很潮湿, 把清洁剂喷在淋浴瓷砖上, 固定装置, 并处理. 就是这样,不需要擦洗. Let the product do its work 和 it will rinse off on its own the next time you shower.
  • 为了彻底清洁 – Spray the cleaner onto any surface of your shower that needs a deep clean 和 wipe down with a clean cloth.



For tougher stains or soap scum on your shower floor or shower wall that a regular spray won’t solve, 你可能会在稍微强一点的溶液中找到一些帮助. 然而, take a moment before reaching for the harsh chemical cleaners. 

A much more effective solution is one that uses an exfoliating scrub, 就像 the ECOS表面擦洗.

而不是用火扑灭尘垢, this cleanser’s limestone particles work to gently lift the tough spots 没有 损坏淋浴表面.

去除污垢和污垢, simply squeeze a small amount of the cleanser onto a damp cloth 和 work it into the shower surface. 用完后,用干净的布擦干净.


我不喜欢白色淋浴砖之间的黄线? The grout that seals our tubs 和 showers might do a good job of keeping the moisture out of our walls, but it’s also susceptible to buildup from the minerals in the water, 哪些会导致变色.

虽然这并不一定有害, 它会很难看,让你的淋浴看起来不太干净. 那么,怎样才能让它恢复新鲜明亮的白色呢? 

说到美白,我们通常会想到漂白剂, but chlorine bleach can be harmful to nearly every part of your body, 还有其他更安全的解决方案也同样有效.

试试以矿物质为基础的去除污渍的配方,比如ECOS OxoBrite多用途去污剂,并遵循以下步骤:

  1. 将等量的OxoBrite和温和的洗涤剂或肥皂混合. 它应该形成粘稠的糊状.
  2. Using an old toothbrush, gently scrub the paste into the grout 和 in between the shower tile.
  3. For extra whitening effects, allow the paste to sit for 10–15 minutes before rinsing it off.



霉菌和霉菌会使淋浴体验不那么清爽. They can also negatively impact your health, causing respiratory issues 和 allergic reactions. 

While it’s important to take action on mold 和 mildew before they get out of h和, the chemicals we often turn to when getting rid of them are usually overkill. 双氧水一种用双氧水制成的消毒喷雾,如ECOS 一步消毒清洁剂, can be just as effective as bleach at killing mold, mildew, germs, 和 bacteria.

去除你淋浴间的霉菌, you’ll want to spray on the disinfectant 和 let it sit for at least 10 minutes to allow it to do its work. Then, you can simply wipe it clean with a damp cloth 和 continue your cleaning routine as usual.

5 .擦干净所有玻璃

玻璃淋浴门可以使浴室看起来 获得超. 但是水和肥皂会产生污垢? 不太时髦. To keep that sleek door sparkling, you’ll want to use a spray formulated just for glass. 

淋浴玻璃可能很难清洁, but some of our tried-和-true chemical solutions 就像 ammonia can be toxic. 相反,寻找由植物驱动的喷雾剂,比如ECOS 擦窗器. It uses a vinegar-based solution that dries quickly 和 works just as well, 但没有有害气体.


  • 把玻璃清洁剂喷在淋浴玻璃上.
  • 用干净的抹布或毛巾擦干净.
  • 就是这样!

6 .清洁窗帘

Owners of a two-in-one bathtub 和 shower know that a shower curtain isn’t just practical—it can also be creative.

然而, if you also use an inner plastic shower curtain as an easy way to keep the water in the shower 和 off the bathroom floor, 这应该是你日常清洁的一部分.

That’s because water can linger in folds of plastic for a long time, 哪些会导致霉菌和霉的生长. To avoid either of those growing 和 spreading to the rest of your shower (和 avoiding any health hazards), it’s important to keep your shower curtain clean 和 dry when you’re not using it. Make sure you pull the shower curtain closed after each use 和 shake it out so it can air dry properly.


Once your shower tiles are bright 和 shining, go ahead 和 step back to admire your work. 这是你应得的. 然而, 你还没有完成你的淋浴装置, 包括排水管, 塞, 水龙头, 淋浴喷头, 也值得好好擦亮. 

Metal 固定装置 can accumulate minerals from water 和 soap scum just as much as the rest of your shower. Your shower head is especially vulnerable to the buildup of calcium deposits, 甚至会干扰它的功能. 

去除积聚物,让你的灯具再次闪亮, 喷洒万能清洁剂或淋浴喷雾,然后擦拭干净. 为额外的光泽和消除水斑, 你可以用一个软的, 用干布把固定物擦干.


当你清洗淋浴时,保持绿色也很重要. What we mean is that you want to use products that are not only effective at cleaning but also good for you 和 the planet.

还记得, 毕竟, that any chemicals lingering in the shower will be in close contact with your body, 更不用说你呼吸的空气中有蒸汽了. +, any residue that gets washed down the drain ends up in our water 和 our ecosystems, 对我们的环境有潜在的毒性影响.

When choosing a shower cleaner that is safe for your shower 和 for you, 避免使用有害化学物质,例如:

  • 氯漂白剂——这种化学物质会产生有毒烟雾, 可能导致肺部损伤, 刺激/灼伤皮肤和眼睛.   
  • 氨——这种化学物质会灼伤皮肤和眼睛, 当吸入时, 会引起呼吸道刺激吗.  
  • Ethanolamines – These surfactants break down into harmful, carcinogenic toxins. 
  • Phthalates – These toxins disrupt our hormones 和 have also been known to cause birth defects.
  • Formaldehyde – This toxin is extremely harmful, even lethal at times. It is very carcinogenic 和 can cause irritation even at very low levels.

想知道如何轻松地发现一个环保的淋浴清洁剂? 寻找美国.S. 环境保护署 安全的选择 标签上的标志. 这不仅表明这些十大彩票网赌平台被证明是有效的, but these products will also help you avoid introducing any unnecessary nasties to the sparkling waterfall that is your shower. 它表明十大彩票网赌平台对人类健康和地球更安全.


With your new earth-friendly cleaning tips 和 shower cleaning routine, you’ll be ready to step into a shower that is as clean as it is restorative. +, 你每天使用的简单步骤越多,你的淋浴就越干净, 就越容易保持它的光泽. 要养成高效的清洁习惯,就要学习 如何清洗洗碗机如何清洗水槽 使用更多我们的植物动力十大彩票网赌平台.

We believe it’s vital to have cleaning products that are also clean themselves. 除了避免使用刺激性化学品, that also means using Climate Positive manufacturing 和 100% renewable energy to make them.

我们的 环保清洁十大彩票网赌平台 不仅仅是清洁,还是可持续的.

疾病控制和预防中心. 模具一般资料. http://www.cdc.gov/mold/basics.htm
美国地质调查局. 水的硬度. http://www.usgs.gov/special-topics/water-science-school/science/hardness-water#overview 
U.S. 环境保护署. 了解安全选择标签. http://www.EPA.gov/saferchoice/learn-about-safer-choice-label